A new year brings a chance for us to get on the right track, both with our health and our pet’s health. With our unique staffing model of veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians, we can offer a customized, professional, and genuinely committed experience for every one of our clients and patients. We want your pet to have the best, healthiest year yet, and we have some tips for you to make that happen!

Prevent health issues before they even start.

Annual wellness examinations are the first step in ensuring your pet stays healthy. We believe vaccinations should be tailored to the needs and environment of each pet. We discuss all risks and vaccine needs individually with you, starting from our registered veterinary technicians checking you into the exam with the veterinarian.  Annual wellness exams also include the option of early disease detection, with health screening lab work, which is discussed in detail with you.

Get moving!

Whether it’s a long walk with your dog or playtime with your cat, get the family involved in the exercise, and it will benefit everyone! A recent study showed that more than half of dogs and 60 percent of cats are overweight or obese. Just like humans, animals that carry around excess weight are at increased risk of developing many different health problems, like arthritis, diabetes, and more. Walk your dog regularly. Play with your cat using laser pointers and other toys. The more your pet moves, the more you’ll move, and the healthier you both will be.

Be involved in your pet’s health and lifestyle.

It’s important to get your pet on a healthy diet at a young age. Please talk to our team about finding the right diet for your pet, that will bring them a lifetime of nutrients and happiness. A proper diet can help to maintain your pet’s cognitive function, energy level, and more. Don’t overdo it with treats and table scraps. Monitor your pet’s intake, and talk to our office about your pet’s nutrition at your next appointment.

The entire staff at Western Animal Clinic wants to make 2018 your pet’s best year yet. Please let us know how we can help with that!

We’re here to help!

Have questions? Ready to make an appointment? Please click the button below to contact us, and our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.